Sunday, December 12, 2010


I am so excited! We are finally getting on a good schedule here in Oregon. the move kinda messed a lot of things up. especially with Claire's sleeping habits. We moved and all the sudden she forgot how to sleep at night! it was like I had just brought her home from the hospital again! but all is well now. She is sleeping. and that makes this mommy very very happy. Not having my mommy to lean on is pretty hard.. but it is really strengthening mine and Chace's marriage. I realize now that at times when I probably should have been going to my husband I was going to my mommy. She is my best friend. my mother and I are really very close and I feel like she knows everything. and really going to here first is what I have been doing my whole life. BUT I am married. I need to rely on my dear sweet husband more. now that we are so far away its forcing me to rely on him more... and its really quite awesome. It really has done a lot for us. I know that this is where we are suppose to be. Because I could have NEVER forced myself to stop going to my mother for everything. I love going to her. I love her advice. I love her opinion. and i love her. I still get her input over the phone from time to time. and I miss her like crazy... but this is good. life is good. I'm learning to trust my husband more with day to day things. I will never stop missing my mom. And when the time comes I will be excited to live near her again. but chace and I have a lot of work to do on our selfs. and I am excited to do it. I am excited to grow. be our own couple and learn even more about each other. I really think that what we are going through right now as a couple and as a family unit would be a good experience for anyone who lives close to there family. It's like we're newly weds all over again. the dynamics have changed... but for the better. I only hope that my wonderful mother can understand... I hope and I pray that she can be ok with the change. I hope she understands that all of this is only going to make chace and I better and that it is only going to help us grow. and I hope she knows that I miss her.. and my daddy. every second of everyday... stay strong. we will be back soon. I love you.

1 comment:

The DeGiulio's said...

Im sure it did mess up her sleeping habits but thats good she's back into them again. Sounds like you are doing great. And I know what you mean about leaning on your mom, sometimes I think I do the same with my parents.