Everything is new. New surroundings, New people, New home, New job... Everything. I cant even go somewhere without using my navigation system to get around. I love oregon. I love my new job. I love all that chace and I have here... but this week I'm missing home. I miss home all the time but this week more than usual. maybe that's because I'm sick so we've stayed in all week. but its times like this when id go to my moms, curl up on the couch and watch movies with her. movies that only my mom and i like. stupid chick flicks. I found myself turning on my wii just to see the mii we had created for my mom. Also, my parents were suppose to be visiting right now.. but because we were all so sick they ended up not coming. They are coming in a couple weeks. hopefully I can last that long. Its hard being away. but i guess thats something i need to get use to.